Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Greater Good-

Here is a funny story. Apparently I am getting "older". I have been finding a few grey hairs. Well Friday I happened to find 3 at one time. I was in Abilene and had no way to pull them. They were really short and because my hair was pulled back you could see them rather plainly. Monica and I were in HEB and we happened to run into Erica doing her usual Friday stuff. When she saw the hairs she immediately pulled my head over (because she is considerably shorter that I am) and right there in the produce section tried to pull out the grey hairs. Ignoring my embarrassment she tried for what felt like 10 minutes but was probably 2 minutes. In the end she couldn't get them out and luckily for me she stopped just before Doug Horner came pushing his basket up to us. For those of you who know Erica well this probably doesn't surprise you. If you have ever been unlucky enough to come into her presence with a blemish on your face you probably know what I mean. But I love her for wanting me to look my best, no matter what it takes to get there, how much pain or embarrassment is caused. I know it is all for the greater good.


ericaprosser said...

Turns out what goes around comes around: I discovered this morning that no matter where I part my hair I can find several grays! They are apparently coming in two at a time. And just for the record, I do love you desperately and it was more like 30 seconds.

ericaprosser said...

it just now occurred to me that you might want an apology? attempting to be more sensitive. so you'll let me know?

trish said...

I don't think Frantastic needs an apology, I just think we will do a drive by Prosser plucking in a very public place. You won't know when or where, but it will be very fun for those of us that have been Ericarized. xoxo:)

Pamelotta said...

I am getting them by the two's and three's. The other day I got, I think, six of them. I could have used Fran or Erica's help with some of them. I think it will be easier now that I have been introduced to hair color!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not getting gray hair...yet, but Erica finds something that needs fixing with me almost everyday. It's like a ritual and I really do appreciate her looking out for me and how I look...sometimes! Hehehe!

Francesca said...

No apology needed :)

Rachel said...

Yes, I too have been attacked by "that Erica". Used to really bother me, but doesn't bother me anymore. We love you Erica!!!