Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rain Check -

Well, the forecast for tomorrow is scattered thunderstorms, 60% chance of precipitation. High of 77. So I guess the first State Park Friday is cancelled. We are really bummed, but I can't complain about the rain. I feel it is a physical sign of the spiritual outpouring coming. People will have to go to high ground or be swept away. It will wash away the old and usher in a season of new life. It will be refreshing and invigorating. This rain will cause much growth. But as for swimming, today I let the girls slip and slide on the trampoline in the rain, I guess that is the closest they are getting to swimming this week. Hopefully next week will be sunny again.


Pamelotta said...

Good spiritual insight. I like that! Next week for sure I'm there!

A-lauf said...

It's not coming, it's already here. Spiritual outpouring that is... I have tasted.