Saturday, February 3, 2007

We got to pray just to make it today! - MC Hammer

So, I need some prayer from all my fellow bloggers out there. The constest has started. Joined the Powershack. Go all the time. Love it. Eat great during the day. But when night gets here, and I have to cook for my family I find it harder to stay the course. I am trying to cook more healthy overall. But there are still some things they like, that I really don't need. So pray that I can be wise and be controlled by my spirit not my flesh.


Jennifer said...

I so pray for you Fran. I have total faith in you. I KNOW you can do this!

Lydianna Bradford said...

Francesca--I have realized through the last few days that I ate a whole lot of calories just eating after the girls. A piece of this snack, a piece of that snack... I've been making some different stuff for the girls since we are doing the Daniel fast and it is a challenge...

We can do it though! Good job on the exercize -- I haven't really started with that yet and I need to make it a priority next week.

Brandi Wilson said...

Francesca, I've been having the same problem in the evenings. I've been praying for you in the evenings. It's easy to remember to pray for you because I'm praying for me too.

You know what I was thinking about when I was praying? You need a plan for what you're going to do for dinner. At lunch your plan is to eat your LC. Plan what sort of things you are going to eat for dinner/not for dinner. Plan for portion sizes. God will make all your plans succeed!

Francesca said...

I think I may save my LC for dinner. Lunch isn't my problem. We'll see if this plan helps.

Brandi Wilson said...

I think I'm going to do the same thing.