Friday, March 23, 2007

The Battle-

So, things aren't working out like I planned. I am battling the battle of knowing what God wants and maybe giving up what I want. I am battling the enemy in my mind and thoughts. I am battling emotions of anger and sadness and embarrassment. I am just not sure what to think right now. I feel a little like Erica with all my words that don't paint a clear picture of what I am feeling. I just know that I don't know. God will you tell me so I do know. Please.


trish said...

Stand firm.

ericaprosser said...

I hear ya & I got your back.

ericaprosser said...
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Kevin said...


I am pretty sure I know exactly what your feeling! It can be a struggle, but God is a good God! He is patient, and loving. Sometimes we want things on our timing!

I know it must be hard with so many good things happenning at and around KLF! We have felt some of that, and we are not even there!

God spoke directly to Ash today in an audible voice! She knew it was him, and since scripture says that the sheep know the voice of the shepard, I am convinced. Ashlee's question was about all the nice houses, and success everyone in Clyde seems to be having, getting, and so on. God answered, "Have I called you to what I called them to?" I recently heard John Bevere say, "When God starts asking questions, your in trouble!"

When I read this blog, I heard the same question for you! I know it is not an answer, but it is a great question!

Chin up! God has great things for you! Blessings. Sorry my response is longer than your blog!
